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OReilly Velocity Conference 2013 Complete Video Compilation 網站設計教學 英文DVD版(3DVD) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
軟體名稱: OReilly Velocity Conference 2013 Complete Video Compilation
語系版本: 英文DVD版
光碟片數: 3片裝(單面DVD)
保護種類: 無保護
破解說明: 無
系統支援: 適用所有支援播放 MP4(MPEG-4) 影片的作業系統
硬體需求: 適用所有支援播放 MP4(MPEG-4) 影片的作業系統
軟體類型: 網站設計教學
更新日期: 2013.11.21
軟體發行: OReilly(R.WD)
官方網站: http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920030881.do
中文網站: 無
軟體簡介: (以官方網站為準)
由 OReilly Media 公司推出的教學

OReilly Velocity 2013 年會議,你能從中學習到網站的效能與運作技巧


55 個小時 3 分

- Monitoring and Observability
- Monitoring and Observability
- Avoiding Performance Regression at Twitter
- Avoiding Performance Regression at Twitter
- Operations Level Up
- Bring the Noise: Making Effective Use of a Quarter Million Metrics
- Bring the Noise: Making Effective Use of a Quarter Million Metrics
- Bits on the Wire
- Bits on the Wire
- Test-Driven Infrastructure with Chef
- Test-Driven Infrastructure with Chef
- Speeding Up Your Mobile HTML5 Experience
- Speeding Up Your Mobile HTML5 Experience
- Choose Your Weapon: A Survey For Different Visualizations Of Performance Data
- Choose Your Weapon: A Survey For Different Visualizations Of Performance Data
- Using Amazon Web Services for MySQL at Scale
- Using Amazon Web Services for MySQL at Scale
- A Picture Costs a Thousand Words
- A Picture Costs a Thousand Words
- Hands-on Web Performance Optimization Workshop
- Hands-on Web Performance Optimization Workshop
- Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible in EC2
- Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible in EC2
- Opening Welcome
- What, Where And When Is Risk In System Design?
- Building the Next Billion Dollar Business in Web and Mobile Performance
- Making Mobile Fast
- Meet the Obama Campaigns $250 Million Fundraising Platform
- Lightning Demos
- Lightning Demos
- Lightning Demos
- Is The Web Getting Faster?
- Welcome
- Gamedays on the Obama Campaign
- Update From The W3C Performance Working Group
- Eliminating Website Performance Theft
- Mobitest, The Latest
- If You Dont Understand People, You Dont Understand Ops
- Lightning Demos
- Lightning Demos
- Its 10PM: Do You Know Where Your Code Is?
- Its 11 PM, Do You Know What Your Code Is Doing?
- Optimizing Development Efficiency Through API Design
- Resolution For a Faster Site
- Stop the Guessing: Performance Methodologies for Production Systems
- Conquering The Uncanny Valley: Making Web Apps As Smooth As Native
- Optimizing the Critical Rendering Path for Instant Mobile Websites
- API Design Principles for Accelerated Development
- Buffering Is A Four-letter Word...
- A Systematic Approach to Capacity Planning in the Real World
- Optimizing JavaScript Runtime Performance for Touch
- Increasing Speed To Market In Mobile Development Through Continuous Integration
- The Critical Path to Web Performance: Real Users Footsteps
- The Curious Case of Dust Javascript and Performance
- The Secret of Safe, Continuous Deployment: Perceptual Diffs
- The Canadian Public Broadcaster On A Diet: Slimming Down For A Whole Nation
- Theres Money In The Metrics: 3 Reasons Why You Need RUM
- Introducing the Open Cloud Exchange
- The CSS and GPU Cheatsheet
- Tuning TCP For The Web
- Appy Mobile Websites That Feel Right
- Ignite Innovation: Turn Developers Loose on Hybrid Cloud
- Real User Monitoring For Native Mobile Apps!
- A Baseline for Web Performance with PhantomJS
- Building A Billion User Load Balancer
- Mobile Performance from the Radio Up: 4G Architecture and its Implications
- Cloud Networking: What it Means for App Development
- Architecting for Scale: How the Right Infrastructure can Support Dramatic Scale with Zero Downtime and Performance Gain
- HTTP/2.0: Whats Happening, and Whats Next?
- Application Resilience Engineering and Operations at Netflix
- The Top 5 Performance Shenanigans of CSS Preprocessors
- Reflecting a Year After Migrating to Apache Traffic Server
- How to Run a Post-Mortem With Humans (Not Robots)
- Building A Performance Lab For Mobile Apps In A Day
- Live Demonstration
- Emerging Language Tools to Track JavaScript Quality and Performance
- Getting Started With Configuration Management
- DevOps: Its Not Just For WebOps And We Have The Metrics To Prove It
- A Look Under the Hood: Radically Faster Performance with Instart Logic Web Application Streaming
- Building a Scalable, Global SaaS Offering: Lessons from Intuits QuickBooks Online Team
- Benchmarking the Front End: Expanding What Performance Means and How to Track it
- Configuration Management Anti-patterns
- Visualizing Self
- Why Is Your Web Performance Sluggish? Learn How To Crank Up Web Speed At A Live Panel Discussion
- Surveying the RUM Landscape
- Performance Monitoring: Synthetic vs RUM
- Quantifying Abnormal Behavior
- Once Upon A Time: Why Operations Mythology Matters
- How Edmunds.com built DevOps with Beer and Whiteboards
- Asynchronous Messaging for Performance Optimization
- Top 10 WPO Disasters: Dont Let This Happen To You
- Automated MySQL Failover With MHA: Getting Started And Moving Past Its Quirks
- Managing Incidents In The Wild
- Improving 3rd Party Script Performance With IFrames
- Enough With The JavaScript Already!
- Retooling Adobe: A DevOps Journey from Packaged Software to Service Provider
- How To Win Computers and Influence Reality

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